I've added a Google Analytics thingamabob to the website, so i thought i should declare it to everyone... I think it would be interesting to see how many hits we're getting, and how often people are checking the blog. I dont really care about the details, and will remove it if anyone has any objectons, i just thought it was a cool service. I'll post the results weekly or monthly or whatever if people are interested, or just give everyone access to the Google Analytics account... comments please!
I other news.... Hot Chip rock!
Also, as i've said before, posts without pictures suck, so here is a picture of the sydney fruit and veg markets...
I went there this morning, and while it is far smellier and more chaotic than the picture lets on, i picked up 5 kilos of killer cherries and too many mangos for cheap cheap. Fuck, is that what excites me these days? I need to get home...
wow... serios? u can tell who esle is having a look at our stuff?
if we searched for us, would we come up in a google search?
We dont come up in a google search (not sure why actually), but i can get all statistics about how many people have visited and from where in the world (by city) etc. etc. It's pretty crazy actually but it's all focussed on advertising revenue, so most of the data is about how much time and money people spend on the site, which is obviously inconsequential to us.
let's find out!!! i'm super curious...
you can't google blog entries cos google don't index them for it's search engine. Google analytics is cool. Rocking.
Hey - I'm keen for the stats. Greg i maintain that you are crazy. Please could we have pics of your coffee machine too and your campos coffee on our site?? I promise to post pics oh boss of the blogg.
Okay, okay! I will post the Google Analytics stuff in about a week once we have a few hits up on the site, although i must say there are some interesting results already (does anyone know anybody in Minneapolis?) Wh-wh-what?
The coffee pics are coming!
I know lecturers there.. that's where I'm going next April.. but I don't think they know about it yet..?
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