Sirius. I don't know if you get them in SA, but Australia (Sydney in particular) is awash with ill-informed tossers following the professional reviewers to all the new restaurants and eating what the reviewer had, giving the same review as the reviewer, and patting themselves on the back for having their finger on the pulse, all the while jerking each other off as they breathlessly recount how they saw Tetsuya at the organic market on the weekend, and HE WAS EATING A BACON AND EGG ROLL!!OMG! Was it organic? Bacon and egg rolls are SO HOT RIGHT NOW! Organic bacon made from pork belly is the new bacon! O-M-FUCKING-G! Its like the fucking Life of Brian, but in real life.
And you know what pisses me off the most? It's the stupid pictures they take. Get a really fast lens, say f1.4, preferably a macro CHECK! Get a digital SLR (number of cool features doesn't matter, only use aperture priority) CHECK! Only shoot with lens wide open, 0.005mm depth of field, focus in on a single piece of micro-cress with rest of restaurant blurry in the background CHECK! Marvel at the cool 'bokeh' from the shitty canon slr lens that came free with the camera. CHECK! Send shout-outs to 'sister-blogger' (most of the bloggers are women, or very camp gay asian men) in Singapore when you have a tasty roti at Mamak CHECK!
Fuck, it does my head in. If you think I'm blowing it out of proportion, just check it...
And thats just the start...