so it's been me on this blog. me?
where is everyone? did the internet connection in south africa suddenly just die?
come on people!
okay.. this could be because I am procrastinating big time. i admit. I'll give a little, and i mean just a little bit of rope for this fact.
I, Talya chalef, am meant to be writing a budget. ugh, budgets.. and applications and money and more money. Why can't people just see that experimental artsy shit is worth funding and just throw their currency at me? It doesn't need to be dollars or australian dollars. it can be pounds, euros or any other. I'm partial to pounds but won't be too fussed either way.
So I have an exciting residency of my work in July. whooop whooop. I get to have a season and redevelop my previous work "in other words". it's not out there" in the "announced world" just yet, so i can't go and say it in full (I.e. details of venue etc etc) -but I'm kind of saying it, kind of... :-)
- greggles, if you didn't get to see it last time, here's your chance.
And because of this..we're going full tilt on the funding drive to take us over to Argentina in October. Yes, my birthday month. Think I'm keen to be in a salsa club with sexy Latino men when I turn the big 3 0
Ok people, that's enough rambling for now.
I'm having a party this Saturday in Melbourne at my house. If you feel so inclined, come along!